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Industrial Supply, Professional Grade Tools Parts and Services

Box, I-Beam & Torpedo Levels

Box, I-Beam & Torpedo Levels are the instruments designed to indicate whether a surface is horizontal (level) or vertical (plumb). It is used by carpenters, electricians, plumbers, machinists and many more tradesmen and professionals, levels help to ensure that a surface or angle is level or properly plumbed.
  • Level, Heavy Duty, 24 in Lg, Cast Aluminium

    Level, Heavy Duty, 24 in Lg, Cast Aluminium

    These cast aluminum levels are made at Port Austin’s own foundry and are strong, warp-proof and non-adjustable. Milled on all surfaces, they feature flourescent yellow metallic-sealed vials that are solid set and protected by glass lenses. Model #24A...

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  • Level, Heavy Duty, 48 in Lg, Aluminium

    Level, Heavy Duty, 48 in Lg, Aluminium

    These cast aluminum levels are made at Port Austin’s own foundry and are strong, warp-proof and non-adjustable. Milled on all surfaces, they feature flourescent yellow metallic-sealed vials that are solid set and protected by glass lenses. Model #24A...

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  • Level, 48 in Lg, Mahogany

    Level, 48 in Lg, Mahogany

    Port Austin’s brass-bound mahogany mason’s level is made of select Honduras mahogany and features cut-through hand holes that are preferred by many masons. The edges are protected by brass binding, with rubber end caps. The clear metallic-sealed vials (4...

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