Industrial Supply, Professional Grade Tools Parts and Services
In the world of abrasives there are dozens of manufacturers that might claim to be "the best." And it's true, some products are better than others; but no one manufacturer has all of the best solutions for your particular application. For you it's all about metal/wood removal, speed, finish and safety. Which products give you the best economic solution for your application? Richmond Supply Company can help to answer this one key question for you.
We'll consider your application, calculate your present "abrasives economy" and then determine the best approach to improving your measures. Because for you it's all about the safe removal of material at the best price. And its our experience that it takes more than one supplier for the customer to realize that best economic value. There's plenty of innovation in the field of abrasives outside the biggest of the big; you just don't hear about it. That's because the small players don't have the sales and advertising budget to tell the world. But they do have distributors like us who are able to select the product from a variety of manufacturers that will give you the best economic value.
If you give us the time to discover your needs and then the time to test application specific products for viable solutions, we can promise to present you with a better economic value or a confirmation that what you're using is, in fact, the best product for the job. Send us an email and let us begin to engineer solution for realizing your best economic value: sales @rsci.com
Abrasives for industrial and consumer use. Industrial grade abrasives include Brushes, Accessories, Bonded and Coated Sandpapers, PSA Discs, Silicon Carbide Discs, Grinding Wheels, Aluminum Oxide Clothes and much more.
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