PIN NYLOSTEEL #25 NY065-C|Flexco’s Clipper wire hook system includes hooks with a wide variety of diameters. leg and point lengths, metals, strip lengths and styles. They feature a double-staggered grip pattern that offers an enormous amount of holding power without degrading the integrity of the belt carcass. The splices have a very low profile, making them much more compatible with conveyor components. They work well for package and parts handling, food processing, general manufacturing, agriculture, laundry and filter media applications. The fasteners are packaged in two different ways: Unibar (each hook welded to a common bar) or Carded (secured on carding paper for easier handling). Both styles make the hooks easier to install to create a flat, finished splice that doesn’t “wave.” Items marked with an asterisk (*) on the selection chart below are stock items, and are made of galvanized steel. Nylosteel connecting pins are also available.